Immediately Following
- XY
- YX
- X, where X=YZ
I think #2 is false (because X is immediately following Y). I want #3 to be not false.
This journal is just for my practice of English.
I expect to express everyday life in Tokyo.
sexpr: atom | ( sexpr . sexpr ) ;
expr: TERM | '(' expr ')' | expr expr ;where the TERM means a sequence of alphabets and/or numbers (and/or symbols except ')' and '(', though I omit these so far).
yylex() { char c; while ((c=getchar())==' ' || c=='\t') ; if (c == EOF) return 0; if (isalnum(c)){ char sbuf[100], *p = sbuf; do { *p++ = c; } while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && isalnum(c)); ungetc(c, stdin); *p = '\0'; printf("%s ", sbuf); return TERM; } if (c == '\n'){ lineno++; return '\n'; } return c; }